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8 reasons to move to Northern Cyprus

8 reasons to move to Northern Cyprus

Şubat 22, 2023

In the era of global population migration, many of us are thinking about changing our place of residence. These days, it's not difficult to do. Northern Cyprus is often included in the list of countries considered for relocation, and more and more people are interested in living conditions on this paradise island. Let's look at the reasons why foreigners choose Cyprus.

1. Mild climate and good products.
The mild Mediterranean climate annually attracts both tourists and those who have decided to move to Cyprus for permanent residence. Clean sea, 340 sunny days a year, short winters - isn't this a dream of any person? Sandy and pebble beaches have an international certificate of quality "Blue Flag". Food is beyond praise. Due to the long summer season, all fruits and vegetables are grown here in Cyprus and sold in local markets and farmers' markets. Meat products are delivered mainly from Turkey, with the exception of chicken meat, which is very tasty and inexpensive here. Perhaps it is for all these reasons that the life expectancy of residents Northern Cyprus is significantly higher than the average in Europe.

2. Security.
The population of the island is about 326,000 people. Everyone here knows each other and is always happy to help. If you leave your car unlocked, in 99 cases out of 100, no one will steal anything from it. No wonder Northern Cyprus is one of the countries with the lowest crime rate in the world.

3. Education
Hundreds of thousands of students come to Cyprus every year to study according to British standards at one of the island's 19 universities. The big advantages are that the cost of such education is disproportionately lower than in European educational institutions, and diplomas are recognized all over the world.

4. Medicine
There are a lot of elderly Europeans living on the island, which already indicates that the cost and quality of medical care is at a high level. Modern private and public clinics operate to high standards, and thanks to cooperation with local universities, they are quickly putting into practice the latest technologies in the field of medicine.

5. Simple registration of a residence permit
When buying a home in Northern Cyprus, you are guaranteed to receive a residence permit, the registration of which will take 1-2 months. You can also get a residence permit under a real estate lease agreement, on a student and work visa. Important! To work legally on the island, you need to issue a work permit.

6. Affordable real estate and quality of construction​​​​​​​
The absence of corruption guarantees high quality in the construction of new buildings. In addition, all the houses here are monolithic, and the foundation piles are driven deep into the ground. The thickness of the reinforcement is 14-20 cm. All this provides the houses with excellent earthquake resistance (up to 8 points). Housing prices are still available and on average for $ 120,000 you can still buy a great apartment. Many people buy apartments in installments, and investors are actively investing in the construction of new projects.

7. Low taxes
The country has a progressive tax system: the higher the income, the higher the tax. There is a free zone in Northern Cyprus. Companies in the free zone of Northern Cyprus are in some cases exempt from corporate tax and do not pay VAT. Property taxes are charged once a year and average 0.25 euros per 1 m2. The tax on cars is insignificant. So, for example, it is quite possible to buy "Mercedec" for $ 20,000 here.

8. Rich cultural heritage and positive attitude towards foreigners.
The history of Northern Cyprus dates back about 12,000 years and its influence is felt in every corner of the island. Ancient cities, museums, stunning natural beauty and observation decks create a special atmosphere on the island. Turkish Cypriots like no one else fit into the leisurely measured life of the country. They are calm, many know English, friendly and always ready to help. Adaptation to a new life takes place here easily and imperceptibly.

Among the disadvantages are left-hand traffic on the roads and power outages. However, according to the experience of those who moved to the first one, you get used to it quickly enough, and they always warn about rare power outages in advance in local chats. The fact that the country is considered an officially unrecognized state also does not affect the inhabitants of the island in any way. According to most residents, the numerous advantages of living in Northern Cyprus overlap these minor disadvantages.

Do you consider Northern Cyprus as a permanent place of residence? Perhaps you have already visited this sunny island?

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