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Interesting facts about the Turkish language

Interesting facts about the Turkish language

February 1, 2021

Turkish is spoken by approximately 77 million people, more than 60 million of whom live in Turkey.
There are many dialects in Turkish. Sometimes they are so different from each other that people may not understand each other at all. The Istanbul dialect is literary, and it is also considered the oldest.
Turkish is a phonetic language - words are read as well as written. Nouns do not have genders, and verbs do not change their endings depending on the gender.
Turks are reluctant to borrow foreign words, preferring to replace them with their own counterparts. For example, instead of the word "computer", the Turks use the word "bilgisayar", which literally means"processing information". By the way, the word "pardon", which translates as "sorry", many Turks are sure that the French borrowed it from the Turkish language.
Turkish is an agglutinative language. This is when affixes and suffixes are added to a word, causing its grammatical form to change.
The longest Turkish word consists of 70 letters - " Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine "and translates as:"As if you are one of those whom we cannot make the creator of losers". In fact, it does not make much sense, but it clearly demonstrates the features of composing words in the Turkish language.

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