The research agency ASAL Research asked residents of 26 provinces in Turkey "What is the most important problem for Turkey?". In total, 2,000 people aged 18 and over were interviewed between 10 and 17 July. 64.6% of respondents said that the most important problem in Turkey is economy and cost of living. The complete results of the survey are as follows:
Economy and cost of living - 64.6%
Refugees - 6.2%
Justice - 5.5%
Unemployment - 3.4%
Education - 3%
Security - 1.7%
Terrorism - 1.2%
Moral values - 0.6%
Stray animals - 0.5%
Constitution - 0.4%
Everything is a problem - 6.6%
Other - 2.4%
No problems - 1.2%
No response - 2.7%
The respondents were also asked a second question: "Which political party can solve Turkey’s problems?".
None - 36.6%
ACR -21.5%
CHP - 19.2%
DEM - 3.5%
MHP - 3.0%
Zafer Partisi - 1.9%
Yeniden Refah Partisi - 1.6%
İyi Parti - 1.2%
Türkiye İşçi Partisi - 0.3%
Other - 2.2%
No answer - 9.0%