In 2023, 958.408 babies were born in Turkey. 51.3% of newborns were boys and 48.7% were girls. At the same time, the number of newborns fell below 1 million for the first time since 2001 (the year when statistics began).
It is noted that 29,708 twins, 1,311 triplets and 70 quadruplets were born in Turkey last year. At the same time, the largest number of births (90.318) occurred in July, and the smallest - in February (72.236).
The average age of mothers who gave birth to a child in 2023 was 29.2 years. The average age of mothers who gave birth to their first child is 27 years old. The number of births among mothers, depending on the age group, is as follows:
15-17 years old - 6.505
18-19 years old - 6.946
20-24 years old - 195.558
25-29 years old - 322.094
30-34 years old - 249.364
35-39 years old - 119 .757
40-44 years old - 30 .592
45-49 years old - 2.077
50 and older - 327
The report also reports that 130 women became mothers under the age of 15, and four of them gave birth for the second time.
The total fertility rate, which expresses the average number of children a woman aged 15-49 can give birth to, was 2.38 children in 2001 and 1.51 children in 2023.