Turkish photographer Adem Altan received an award in the nomination "Single photo". In the photo, the father (Mesut Hancher) holds the hand of his 15-year-old daughter, who died during the earthquake.
When the earthquake struck, Hunter called home from the bakery and learned that his wife and three adult children were safe in their one-story house. However, no one could get through to the younger Irmak, who stayed the night with her grandmother. When he ran to his mother's house, he found that his daughter had died in the collapse of an eight-story building. The photographer caught him even before help arrived, when residents were struggling to free their buried loved ones. Hunter did not move from his place, despite the rain and frost. "Take a picture of my child," he told the photographer. This photo made the front pages of hundreds of newspapers and social networks around the world, becoming a symbol of the tragedy.