And a couple more lines about the LGS exam in Turkey. In Chanlyurf, the student misanswered absolutely all the questions of the LGS Test (there is one) - 90 of 90 and received a quarter of the gold coin as a reward.
This does not mean that the student is stupid. Just the opposite. The fact is, the director of the training course Muhammad Tahir Kurt promised to give a quarter of a gold coin (çeyrek altın -1.75 gr. gold) to someone who will answer all questions correctly or incorrectly. I mean, to win the prize, you had to answer all 90 questions correctly or incorrectly, which the student did.
The news sparked a lot of discussion on social media, so the school’s management came forward to explain the situation. M.T.Kurt: "This exam was a trial and was held a week before the final LGS exam. To motivate the students, we awarded a prize (quarter gold coin). Understand, the probability of a person answering 90 wrong questions is one in six trillion! The only person who can do this is a person who has solved all the questions correctly and specifically marked the wrong answer. Our student, who is the best on the course, did so. We are very proud of her results!"