Ocak ayı. 13, 2023
Opening of Istanbul Airport Metro
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoglu said that the opening of the Istanbul Airport Metro will take place on January 22, 2023.
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Ocak ayı. 13, 2023
Grand plans for the development of the Gazipasa area.
The Gazipasa area, previously perceived only as a neighbor of Alanya and the city where the international airport is located, is changing before our eyes every day.
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Ocak ayı. 13, 2023
Museum dedicated to the President of Turkey
A museum dedicated to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planned to open in Istanbul.
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Ocak ayı. 12, 2023
Неутешительные новости для арендаторов в Турции.
Министр казначейства и финансов Нуреддин Небати сообщил, что в июле 2023 завершится льготный период, согласно которому арендодатели могли повышать арендную плату не более, чем на 25%.
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Ocak ayı. 12, 2023
Sports events dedicated to the centenary of the Republic of Turkey
Turkey continues to prepare for the most important holiday of the year - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic.
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Ocak ayı. 12, 2023
Additional train flights during holidays in Turkey.
During the winter holidays from January 23 to February 3, 2023, 16 flights will be added to the Ankara-Istanbul and Ankara-Konya directions.
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Eylül 16, 2022
Tourism boom in Turkey in winter
Due to the high demand for flights from Russia to Turkey for the coming winter, Russian airlines have increased their charter programs. Tickets are already on sale from RED WINGS and AZUR Airlines.
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Eylül 15, 2022
Secondary education in Turkey
Secondary education in Turkey is compulsory and free of charge in public schools. Children in Turkey go to school from 6-7 years old, and from 14-15 years old, secondary school begins.The academic year usually starts in mid-September and ends in June.
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Eylül 14, 2022
Price increase in Turkey by 25% in 2023
Due to its climate, natural beauties and sea tourism, Turkey is in great demand among foreigners.50 million tourists are expected to visit Turkey in 2023.The number of foreign visitors who arrived in Turkey between January and July increased by 128.28% compared to the same period of the previous year.
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Eylül 13, 2022
International Gastronomy Festival in Turkey
The IV International Gastronomic Festival will be held in the southeast of Turkey.According to the Gaziantep Municipality, the festival is held in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, the Gaziantep Governor's Administration and the Gaziantep Development Fund.The sustainability and biodiversity event kicks off on Thursday 15 September with the harvest of pistachios and the making of the traditional şire (wider) grape juice sweet.
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Eylül 12, 2022
Property insurance in Turkey
When buying property in Turkey, it is advisable to insure your property against extreme environmental disasters.Home insurance in the territory of the republic is a fairly common phenomenon. Insurance payments are made immediately and many property owners purchase several insurance policies in order to protect their property as much as possible from any unforeseen situations.A common question from homeowners is whether property insurance is required in Turkey?
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Eylül 12, 2022
Record exports of goods to Russia
As a result of the past summer, Turkey set a record for the export of goods to Russia in August.
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